Shihong (Bennett) Wang


I am a Ph.D. student at Tsinghua University supervised by Prof. Guoliang Huang and Prof. Jing Cheng. Prior to my Ph.D. program, I worked on AI for science supervised by Assoc. Prof. Xueying Zhang and intelligent robots supervised by Prof. Tianmiao Wang at Beihang University.

My research interests include AI-enhanced Medical Devices, Flexible Sensors, and Robotics. I am eagerly in applying Robust AI algorithms to Biomedical Systems.



Office: Medical Science Building, C204


Google Scholar, GitHub

Intelligent Agricultural Robot.png Intelligent Agricultural Robot.png Intelligent Agricultural Robot.png
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E-LMC: Extended Linear Model of Coregionalization for Spatial Field Prediction
Shihong Wang, Xueying Zhang, Yichen Meng, Wei W. Xing
IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2022


Highway Icing Time Prediction with Deep Learning Approaches based on Data from Road Sensors
Shihong Wang, Tianle Wang, Xuan Pei, Hao Wang, Qiang Zhu, Tao Tang, Taogang Hou
SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences, 2022
Spintronic Intelligent Devices
Wenlong Cai*, Yan Huang*, Xueying Zhang*, Shihong Wang, Yuanhao Pan, Jialiang Yin, Kewen Shi, Weisheng Zhao
SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2022


Automatic Method for Measuring the Speed of Magnetic Domain Wall
Yichen Meng, Xueying Zhang, Wei W. Xing, Shihong Wang, Jiazheng Niu, Lin Wang
China Patent, CN202211271481.0, 2022
Efficient Mechanism Design of the Closed-chain Single-degree-of-freedom Five-bar-leg
Zexu Han, Xu Pei, Jinjian Duan, Shihong Wang
China Patent, ZL201911035282.8, 2019


Magnetization Reconstruction via Physically Informed Neural Network
Shihong Wang


  • Outstanding Graduate Award of Beihang University (2023)
  • Academic Scholarship of First Class of Beihang University (2020, 2021, 2022)
  • First Prize of Beijing Postgraduate English Speech Contest (2020)

  • Services

  • President of Toastmasters Club at Beihang University, 2021 - 2022
  • Subreviewer of International Conference on Cognitive Systems and Information Processing (ICCSIP), 2021, 2022